Class Of 1946

Reunion Saturday September 2002

Click on Picture For Large View

Pictures Above Are Paul's

Pictures Below Are Monna's

Names of Classmates In Attendance Are Shown below.


1.      Rita Adcock Miller

2.      Nora Lee Anderson Meyers

3.      Doris Jean Anson Shainin

4.      Erma Ashley Worsdorfer

5.      Delores Bates Decker

6.      Bernice Biggerstaff Vandiver

7.      Elmer Bumb

8.      Gilbert Bumb

9.      Mamylee Cooksey Hamman

10.  Robert Crow

11.  Dorothy Daily Clark

12.  Betty Davenport Welden

13.  Monna Dugan Maley

14.  Jeanette Frank Carr

15.  Gloria Georgette Herrenbruck

16.  Doris Goebel Lamkin

17.  Elgene Goebel Williams

18.  Dan Hartman

19.  Homer Hauschild

20.  Ruth Hauschild Weber

21.  Dorothy Hoover Kightly

22.  William Kleiman

23.  Valada Koenig Heseman

24.  Robert Kraemer

25.  Georgia Lamb Stover

26.  Ray Lambert

27.  Cuma Lamont Blazier

28.  Allen Lashley

29.  Ruby Letterman Morgan

30.  Helen Lottes Carrell

31.  Betty Mattingly Parker

32.  James Morgan

33.  Dorothy Neighbors France

34.  Evelyn Nix Reisinger

35.  Gilford Pinkston

36.  Rovilla Reynolds Ogg

37.  Herbert Roth

38.  Fred Schaefer

39.  Margaret Smith Craddock

40.  Paul Gene Swope

41. Mary Rose Becker Willis

42.  Richard Wolf

And 30 spouses and guests

Total 72 people


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